Immunization Requirements for California Public Schools

To  Parents and Guardians,

Cayucos Elementary School District takes the health and safety of our students seriously. Senate Bill 277 now requires all students to receive updated immunizations. There is no longer a religious or personal belief waiver. Only those with a valid medical excuse accepted by the California Department of Public Health are exempt. 

By law, students who do not show proof of all immunizations cannot participate in classroom instruction.

We want to make sure your child starts school on time. I urge you to:

  1. Get your child’s immunizations now.

Many students need immunizations between now and the start of school next year. Make an appointment with your child’s doctor or clinic for your child.  Avoid the back-to-school rush.

  1. Save your proof of immunization.

Be sure to keep the written proof of your child’s immunizations in a safe place. Immunization proof can be mailed, faxed or dropped off at the District Office.

Most students entering 7th grade only need a Tdap booster, however, the following immunizations should have been completed at an earlier date.

  • MMR

  • Polio

  •  Tdap

  • Hepatitis B

  • Varicella

To help facilitate the process of obtaining these needed immunizations, below is a list of local providers:

  • San Luis Obispo, California can give immunizations by appointment only. Please call (805) 781-5500

  • Community Health Centers (CHC) Pediatric Clinic by appointment only. Please call (805) 226-1150

Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter,


Natalie Interian, School Nurse

(805) 995-9634